A downloadable game

My first game. 

I am aware some issues still exist such as when you restart the game you might encounter:

1. Invisible enemies 

2. Gun not shooting

Solutions for:

1. Try to die to an enemy and restart again this will fix the issue also fixes the gun issue

2. For just the gun not shooting try clicking the mouse multiple times and eventually it will work again if not try solution 1

Patch notes for V1.01:

Math changes in gameplay:

These math changes have impacted the two main things I set out to change in this update. 

First being that you can upgrade move speed and reload speed indefinitely (instead of having it capped at level 10) but with the trade off being those two upgrades have diminishing returns, and second being the upgrades are noticeable and impactful (at least early levels) as the previous version after each upgrade it was hard to notice any difference until there are a considerable amount of points in it.

Enemy spawn delay:


New round: Spawn delay = Spawn delay - 0.1 sec


Spawn delay = 20 / (10 + New Round) 

reload upgrade:


Level 1 reload = 3.5 secs

Each level -0.34 seconds

Max level = 0.1sec


Reload delay = 7/ (2+ upgrade level)

speed upgrade:


Level 1 speed = 100 %

Each level: Move Speed = Move Speed + 20%;


Each level: Move Speed = Move Speed+ ( 240/(6+ Upgrade level))


Quality of Life changes:

-Added player stats next to the upgrade options so you can see how much you are gaining each upgrade level

-Removed the 'Despawn' output that would sometimes appear on the console

-Since the game is considerably easier for the earlier levels the music upgrades at round 10 and round 20 (Previously 5 and 10)

Bug Fixes

All fixed bugs this patch:

-All enemies would spawn with close to no delay level 11 onwards

-Player would shoot unintentionally when moving between upgrade menu and the game

-Players mag size wouldn't update instantly after upgrading it and would have to wait until player fired or they reloaded

Bugs I am aware of and will look to address in future patches

 As previously mentioned:

-Invisible enemies and Gun not shooting after restarting

As well as:

-Text changing their location in the upgrades menu very noticeable after upgrading move speed 

-Player gun is not 100% accurate to where the mouse is

-Player collision with enemy is a little off and can lose sometimes when it appears to not be touched

Additional things to be added in future patches

-Pause screen in the main game

-Navigation to main menu from game 

-Background textures in the upgrade menu

-And far far future, To have different characters with different stats and upgrades will increase by different amounts depending on character


GrasslandGunnerV1.01.zip 111 MB

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